Social Health Network Opportunities & Challenges

You're not just a patient – you're the partner healthcare needs. The Social Health Network helps you gain access to trusted paid opportunities with healthcare organizations that are eager to learn from your expertise.

How do SHN members earn points?

Each activity posted on the SHN platform has a point value associated with it. Members can earn points in several ways, such as:

By providing your email address, you are agreeing to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

  • Answering advocacy-related questions
  • Taking part in insight surveys
  • Participating in forums
  • Watching webinars
  • Engaging with the platform activities

Make sure you are registered and logged in to see the opportunities.

Once you complete an activity – like watching a webinar, answering questions, or sharing something on social media, you receive the associated points. The more activities you complete, the more points you can earn. Once you accumulate enough points, you can navigate to the Rewards tab and redeem your points.

Rewards are updated on a rotating basis, but examples include:

  • Gift cards
  • Social media shout-outs
  • LinkedIn recommendations
  • SHN swag
  • And more!

Start sharing your story and collaborating with Social Health Network members today.