3 Practical Ways for Health Advocates to Safeguard Peace and Mental Health Online

Living with a chronic or terminal illness, or navigating a health journey, can be a formidable and isolating experience. Many people today turn to social media and online platforms to connect with others, share their experiences, and advocate for awareness and understanding. While these online channels can be powerful tools for support and advocacy, studies have shown that they can also take a toll on mental health and peace of mind.1

In fact, according to a systematic study by Khan et al. (2020), social media platforms have been associated with aggravating mental health issues.2

Thus, for health advocates, finding a balance between sharing their journey and protecting their mental health is crucial. Here are three practical ways to safeguard your peace and mental health while still sharing your health journey online.

1. Set boundaries:

Working for a nonprofit in the rare disease field, I am deeply passionate about the work I do. Despite this, I recognize the importance of setting clear and firm boundaries to ensure my mental well-being remains intact while sharing my personal health experiences online.

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Establishing guidelines for what I feel comfortable sharing, how frequently I engage online, and when it's time to take breaks is crucial. This may involve creating a structured schedule for my online interactions, limiting my time on social media platforms, and being selective about the topics and content I choose to engage with.

Furthermore, it is essential to set boundaries with my followers and community members by clearly defining the kind of support and feedback that is beneficial and respectful to maintain a healthy online presence.

Call to action for setting boundaries:

Reflect on your online interactions and assess if there are areas where you need to establish clearer boundaries. Create guidelines for the type and frequency of content you engage with, and consider setting aside designated time for online activities. Communicate and reinforce these boundaries with your followers and community members, outlining the kind of support and feedback that is beneficial and respectful. Take proactive steps to maintain a healthy and balanced online presence.

2. Cultivate a supportive community:

I have connected with many advocates who inspire and motivate me, forming friendships along the way. These fellow advocates are there for me when I need to discuss an issue or bounce ideas off them. Building a supportive and understanding community of like-minded individuals who share similar experiences has been crucial in safeguarding my mental health as I advocate online.

I actively seek out online support groups, forums, and social media communities where I can engage with others who truly understand and empathize with my journey. By cultivating a network of individuals who offer genuine support, validation, and encouragement, I am able to counteract the negative effects of online stressors and avoid feelings of isolation.

Put building community in motion:

Reach out and connect with others who share similar experiences, whether it's through online support groups, forums, or social media communities. Engage in conversations, share your journey, and offer support to others. Consider joining or creating a network of individuals who can provide genuine support, empathy, and encouragement. Take the first step in building a strong and understanding community that uplifts and empowers all its members.

3. Practice self-care:

I prioritize self-care by occasionally saying no to some opportunities. If there's a role or activity that may be better suited for another advocate, I make sure to share their names. Even though I would love to attend every conference and event, I have to acknowledge that it's not feasible for me as a mom, wife, caregiver, and advocate. That's why prioritizing self-care becomes vital for health advocates like myself, who share their experiences online.

To take care of myself, I engage in activities that bring me joy, relaxation, and a sense of fulfillment. This can include practices like mindfulness, indulging in hobbies that I enjoy, spending quality time with my loved ones, or seeking professional support through therapy or counseling. I must recognize when the online world becomes overwhelming and remind myself to take a step back and focus on my own well-being.

Implementing a self-care routine:

Take a moment to reflect on your current self-care practices. Identify one activity or routine that brings you joy and relaxation, and commit to incorporating it into your daily or weekly schedule. Whether it's setting aside time for a hobby, practicing mindfulness, or seeking professional support, prioritize your well-being and take action to implement self-care into your life today.

It’s important to note that while sharing one's health journey and advocating online can be empowering, it's equally important to prioritize mental health and peace of mind. By setting boundaries, cultivating a supportive community, and prioritizing self-care, health advocates can navigate the online space with resilience and maintain their well-being while making a positive impact in the lives of others. Remember, your well-being is just as important as your advocacy work, and finding this balance is key to sustainability and longevity in your journey.

Reader question:

Which of the three practical strategies for safeguarding your peace and mental health online resonates with you the most, and how do you plan to implement it into your life as a health advocate?

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