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Shoshana Lipson

Patient Leader Shoshana Lipson Shoshana was a member of our Patient Leadership Council in 2024 and submitted content for us throughout the year.

Shoshana Lipson is a patient advocate and the founder of the CGRP & Migraine Community Support Group, as well as Migraine Meanderings, which seek to encourage, support, educate & inspire people with migraine to ‘live well’ & not give up hope. She has been living with migraine disease most of her life, with her earliest childhood memories being of severe head pain that no one understood. For the past 45+ years, she has been treated by some of the world’s top headache specialists in both the UK and the USA.

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After having to stop work due to migraine disease and other comorbid conditions, Shoshana started exploring how to use her background in non-profit management, social media and public speaking to help with migraine advocacy. She has a passion to touch people who are struggling with the physical and emotional effects of migraine disease. Shoshana helps others to find hope and purpose for their lives in the midst of chronic pain through Migraine Meanderings, using a mix of inspiration, humor, hope, and honest sharing from her own experiences & current journey. One of her most appreciated discoveries this year in her journey toward better management of migraine has been that of art therapy. She has discovered the incredible therapeutic value of expressing how she feels about migraine and speaking out about the disease in the form of art, memes, poetry, and blog writing, and much of this is posted on her Facebook profile and page, as well as

Shoshana collaborates with CHAMP: The Coalition for Headache & Migraine Patients, as well as other organizations and leaders who advocate for people with migraine. She is a contributing writer for, US Pain Foundation, Migraine Disease, and My Chronic Brain, and has been a migraine advocate spokesperson at the Association for Migraine Disorders, Healthy Women, the AJMC, CHAMP and RetreatMigraine.

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