Accepting the Diagnosis

Well it started in the spring of 2016 when l told my wife l was having difficulty breathing. Thought maybe it was a cold or flu, but it persisted. So went to my doctor, and he sent me to a pulmonary doctor. I did the testing not knowing hardly anything about COPD and informed me l was already in stage 2. I asked him if I quit smoking if my lungs would heal and he told me no. It was a total shock to me. He said it would slow the disease though. So l went on for another year.

Learning to accept my new normal

Went back to him for another round of testing and found my oxygen level below 90. So he said l need 24 hour oxygen. I was devastated. I have been on oxygen since then. I got over the devastation but feel awkward with the use of it in public, still. But l am getting better at what people think of my oxygen tube as a constant partner. Kinda. Lol.

Today l am running my machine at a 3 and 5 and 5 when active. I do have pulmonary hypertension now also. Part of the disease a lot of times. But that's about it. Still have a positive attitude and family support.

Thank you for listening. Jerry.

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