Blindness to Brilliance: Journey of Resilience and Advocacy

Growing up in Alabama as the youngest in my family, I discovered a passion for hands-on projects that benefit my community, driven by a deep empathy for others. Music, particularly the flute, played a significant role in my life throughout middle and high school, where I excelled as the second chair.

Detour ahead

My medical journey took an unexpected turn during my junior year of high school when I contracted toxoplasmosis, a rare infection likely from undercooked meat during a school band trip. This led to three years of blindness in my left eye, but with the support of specialized books from the Tuskegee School for the Blind, I managed to continue my studies. Despite this challenge, I remained determined to pursue my dream of attending the University of Montevallo, initially majoring in social work to assist families in crisis. As my college years unfolded, I felt a deeper calling to directly impact lives through hands-on support, prompting me to shift gears in my final year towards becoming a chef and opening a restaurant.

Bringing people together fills my cup

My vision was to create a space where I could empower at-risk youth with essential life skills and confidence. After completing a rigorous two-year Culinary Arts and Baking Science program at Culinard, I embarked on a career in the culinary industry. From managing a waffle house in Birmingham to becoming the head pastry chef at a prominent seafood restaurant, I found immense joy in crafting meals that brought people together.

Yet, life threw another curveball

When I faced a new challenge, the discovery of massive tumors in my body. This marked the beginning of a daunting healing journey filled with countless treatments and medications. Out of this struggle, my podcast, Butterfly Chats, was born. Dedicated to spreading awareness, compassion, and hope, Butterfly Chats shares my journey with chronic pain management, self-care strategies, and stories of resilience from others battling similar conditions.

Devotion to advocacy

Navigating my own health challenges, including a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, I encountered gaps in medical resources and disparities in treatment. Despite facing skepticism and dismissiveness, I remained steadfast in advocating for better understanding and support for those with chronic conditions. Transitioning from the culinary world to advocacy, I now devote myself to educating and empowering others through poetry, interviews, and artistic expression on Butterfly Chats.

Through this platform, I aim to foster a community of support and solidarity among those affected by chronic pain, reminding everyone of the love and respect they deserve despite their illnesses.

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