Connexion 2024 Forums Round-Up

Connexion 2024 offered countless takeaways and learnings that can help propel you forward on your journey into health leadership. Here at the Social Health Network, we want to set you up for success and hear about your experiences.

A look at the advocacy career landscape

During Connexion 2024, we discussed the importance of knowing, telling, and tailoring your story while determining your unique opportunity for growth in this area. We also looked at how to translate your skills and passion into a career and learn from others who have done this.

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Do you want to find more opportunities, elevate your patient advocacy, or sharpen your skills? Be sure to complete our free Patient Leader Certification program.


Leveraging social media as a Health Leader

During these sessions, we discussed how to use social media as a Health Leader to engage with your audience and grow your online presence.

For those who were on the Beginner Track, the group discussed getting started on social media, tips to reach an engaged audience, scheduling posts, and building a social media channel with an authentic presence.

For those who were on the Experienced Track, the group discussed landing a social media campaign, collaborating with organizations, tips on developing your brand, and ways to grow your following.

Again, let's continue this conversation. Be sure to join in on this topic by sharing your feedback below!

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