Patient Leadership Council: Frequently Asked Questions

The Patient Leadership Council (PLC) is a select group of Health Union Health Leaders and Social Health Awards winners who give feedback on Health Union projects.

The PLC launched in early 2020. The PLC gives both written and oral feedback (during meetings) on various Health Union initiatives. The PLC is intended to include and represent diverse voices across our communities. Our goal is to ensure that our efforts remain community-centered, inclusive, useful, and accessible. Applications open once a year in the fall. Applicants who are selected will join Social Health Award winners in the Council.

How can I join the PLC?

PLC membership is limited to Health Union Health Leaders. To be eligible to apply, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You’ve worked with Health Union for about 1 year at the time of application.
  • You are able to attend a minimum of 2 out of 4 online, virtual meetings.
  • You intend to serve for a minimum term of 1 year.
  • You feel comfortable in sharing your opinion and also the opinion of your community.
  • If selected, be willing to sign a PLC agreement. This agreement certifies that while serving on the PLC, you will not simultaneously serve on another healthcare-related advisory/leadership council of a competing organization.

How many people are on the council?

Health Union determines the number of people selected to serve on the PLC based on business needs, with a maximum of 20 members.

What is the time commitment for PLC members?

We hold 4 virtual meetings throughout the year, generally once per season, though this can change depending on business needs.

Each virtual meeting will be approximately 1 hour. PLC members will need to review materials and provide feedback to prepare for these meetings. In addition, PLC members may be asked to review documents or provide feedback via email outside of the scheduled meeting times. PLC members may also be asked to write articles for the Social Health Network.

If I’m selected, will I be paid for my time and effort?

Yes. You will be paid for the time and effort spent preparing for and attending online meetings.

Can I still contribute and/or moderate on my community if I’m chosen?

Yes, definitely!

I just started working with Health Union. Can I still apply?

We recommend around a 1-year tenure on your Health Union community so you have a feel for the way we do things. However, we will consider all applicants no matter their tenure.

Will Health Union definitely use the suggestions from the PLC?

We appreciate and take your feedback to heart, but we can’t promise that we will implement every suggestion that our PLC members make.

How do I apply to be a PCL member?

First, you’ll complete and submit an online application. The application includes questions encouraging you to share why you’d like to join the PLC, prior experience as a Health Union Health Leader, and any experiences providing and receiving feedback in a collaborative setting.

The application process begins in October and ends in November. We’ll email you info on how to apply and provide the link to the application. We’ll also post the application link on our Health Leader Portal.

How do you select PLC members?

First, Health Leaders who submit a completed application and meet the minimum qualifications for PLC membership will be considered.

The ideal applicant shows a high level of interest in the PLC and willingness to collaborate. Other qualities include experience providing and receiving feedback, the ability to collaborate diplomatically, and is knowledgeable about Health Union and our communities. Health Union seeks a diverse council with varying experiences (patient, caregiver), roles (contributors, moderators), and a variety of major condition categories (e.g., autoimmune, neurological, oncology).


Please email and with any questions or concerns.