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Busting the Myths: What Patient Advocacy Really Means

A common misconception surrounding patient advocacy and patient - centered care is that it solely involves speaking on behalf of patients who may feel powerless or unable to voice their concerns. However, the scope of patient advocacy is much broader and more empowering. It encompasses empowering patients to make informed decisions, ensuring they are aware of their rights, and providing support throughout their healthcare experiences.

Patient advocacy involves more than just advocating for someone; it involves enabling individuals to advocate for themselves and ensuring they receive optimal care. It's about empowering patients to articulate their views, wishes, and needs with confidence. Through advocacy, patients are supported in navigating complex healthcare systems and expressing their preferences effectively.

Ultimately, patient advocacy strives to promote patient autonomy, dignity, and well-being by facilitating active participation in healthcare decision-making processes and fostering a collaborative relationship between patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers.

  1. yes and there are more ways that is needed to do as patient advocates

    1. so true it is a wider scope than anyone has ever imagined for sure. Thanks for the reminders they are so important in j deranging what we need to do as patient advocates. ~Racquel~ team member

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