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How Do You Create a Successful Career Out of Health Advocacy?

Many people are passionate about health advocacy, but passion alone doesn't necessarily translate into a successful career. In this forum, we'll discuss what you need to consider before becoming a professional, the skills you need to make it work, and other tips to make you successful.One hand reaching out and holding another

  1. Hiya! Here are some informative articles that may help answer your question:

    “Getting paid for patient advocacy work”

    “What to charge for patient advocacy”

    “Generating income as an advocate”

    “Advocacy compensation tips”

    I hope this helps! 💜

    1. To build a successful career in health advocacy, start by learning about health issues and how to communicate well. Get educated and gain experience in the field. Connect with other professionals and organizations. Use social media and speaking opportunities to share your message. Stay focused on your goals and keep up with new developments in health.

      1. Hi,

        I don't know the numbers, but I certainly did. The other thing that's common is people finding their way to advocacy because of the struggles of one of their loved ones.

        -- Natasha Tracy

        1. Hi,
          I’m new here, and I’m still trying to figure out just exactly what this website entails. But, I am curious to know how many people in health advocacy found their way here due to their own personal health struggles? I imagine quite a large percentage?

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