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Do the holidays impact you?

Navigating the holidays can be challenging when living with a chronic or terminal condition.

Do they impact you emotionally and/or physically?
Do you typically get extra questions about your health during the holidays?
Have you had to change/cancel plans?
Have your holiday celebrations been different since you were diagnosed?
What tips do you have?

  1. When caring for our father, who battled Alzheimer's disease, we followed the philosophy of one day at a time and go with the flow. Patience was key, and we were tested. Each day, we found ways to celebrate something special. We would laugh, cry, sing, walk, rest... and, most importantly, appreciate our time together. Togetherness was the best gift, along with treating ourselves to some of our favorite treats.

    1. I love this. i really need to remember "one day at a time," and sometimes, "one hour at a time!" - Bridget (team member)

    2. So amazing. One day at a time and making the most of every moment is a spectacular way to live. Thanks for sharing this it's so wonderful to hear such compassion and love. ~Racquel~ Social Health Network Moderator

  2. Sort of is my answer. Dad passed away on Jan. 8th, 2018. I could have gotten the call that he passed at any moment during the 2017 holiday season which has added some complexity to the holiday season since then. Before his passing, I never experienced holiday stress or anxiety. Never understood it either. The holiday's should be fun and exciting, if they are not I believe that means there is a bigger issue at play (bigger than my health status). In the end it's just another day except Christmas should be covered with snow vs like the 4th of July which should have hot dogs and chicken from the BBQ.

    1. This makes so much sense. There is something particularly difficult for some about the winter holidays in a way that the summer holidays aren't. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your Dad-I can understand how that would bring up a lot of feelings 🙁 Wishing you a happy new year. - Bridget (team member)

    2. Gentle hugs. I hope you were able to find some solace in the holiday season. It's always hard when we lose those we love.~Racquel~ Social Health Network Moderator

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