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Moving beyond issues

How do you stay motivated to move beyond the issues of your chronic condition? What keeps you pushing through?

  1. I often create a daily routine along with project a year ahead any projects I want to work on. I’m fortunate I have social support systems that keep me motivated. I’m also a very task oriented person which is a motivation for me. However, life with a chronic illness is often difficult and I try to reframe my thinking so I don’t get stuck on the negative aspects of my illness. When I have a flare up, instead of thinking “how long will this last? Will this ever end?” I focus on reminding myself “this too shall pass” it may pass like a kidney stone, but even my most severe/longest flare ups subside. I also utilize a ton of chronic illness hacks so I can still meet my needs on those bad days. Because of this, I can focus less on what I need to do and focus my energy on my self care and emotional wellness

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