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Who to contact about a study opportunity

First off, I am apologizing in advance...I should totally know this, but was diagnosed with MS in April, and my brain is still broken.
I was approached by a company looking for a very specific group of patients for a study. I have company info, and a one-pager on the study, and I'm trying desperately to figure out what to do with it here...again-my apologies in advance.

  1. Hey , I recommend emailing our MS community. You can email

    1. Oh yes, you can contact

    2. Thank you so very, very much!

  2. Hi Donna, and thank you so much! This study is not for me, I'm looking to get word out to those who might be interested in participating, and not sure how to do that, or who to contact at SHN to ask.

    1. hiya! Many people have given great suggestions from posting the info here or sharing with your doctors l. Another option would be sharing the research study information on your social media accounts and LinkedIn. From my personal experience, when I’ve shared research study information on social media/linkedin, there has been a good response.

    2. , oh, sorry for misunderstanding! You can reach out to our team at with details. I hope that helps! - Warmly, Donna (Team Member)

  3. Hi , a good step might be to share the information with your doctor. He should be able to tell you if the study is a good fit for your particular circumstances, and also help you with the application process. I hope that helps. And there is never a need to apologize here 🤗- Warmly, Donna (Team Member)

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