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How do we make SHN aware of our mission? How do we enlarge funding for our research?

  1. Hi Roberta! What condition(s) do you currently advocate for? I can help to point you into the right direction.

    1. Get in front of SHN decision-makers in network, pitch, make them see why your research matters.

      Use social media, press, and events to get noticed. Apply for grants, partnerships, and private funding.

      Make noise, build connections, and don’t wait for funding to find you

      1. Hi Donna, Thanks for responding. As to "reaching out" regarding funding for our maternal health education research project. Please tell me to whom on your team I should address my questions?
        Roberta Gold
        The Shane Foundation Co-Founder

        1. Hi , our management team monitors that box and will be able to answer your questions. - Warmly, Donna (Team Member)

      2. Hi , reach out to our team at, they will be able to help you. - Kind regards, Donna (Team Member)

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