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How does your disease or condition impact your social life?

Juggling your health demands can be exhausting, using up all your time and energy. How has it affected your social life?

  1. I can relate to how everyone feels. I wish i could hug you all. Back in 2006, i was diag. with MS. I was doin okay, managing with a few exacerbations. Then in 2017, i moved into "the house that gave me a death sentence." In the last 3yrs, ive been in the hospital 17 times. All starting with bouts of pneumonia and upper respiratory failure. I was intubated 7 of those times, one for 11 days. After the 1st few, a very smart e.r. dr. asked a 1st responder to come back to the house and take air quality readings. He did, and within an hr, the house was full of city inspectors, manafers, F.D., P.D., etc. A big orange sticker was slapped on the front door, HAZARD-KEEP OUT. and we had 20min to leave. Our furnace, hot water tank, a n.v d entire ventilation system were put in backwards and upside down! No bad air ever left the house. Even though i have 2 carbon monoxide detectors, the leak was low enough to just miss them going off. But because i have an auto immune disease, i couldnt fight off the damage from the poisoning. I was told this by my dr while i was in the hospital again for having seizures. They said i now have epilepsy.
    I knew my lungs, esophagus, throat, and outlook was damaged. I just didnt know how much. In April of this year, a guy who was giving me a breathing tratment at yet another hospital stay, grabbed my hand and said, "I'm so sorry. You seem so sweet and so young." Ummm, huh? What exactly are you talking about? "Well it says here you hav ed end stage COPD. Terminal. You probably have a year or 2." Then i heard the earth crack. No dr said a word til then. As soon as i was out, i practically ran (well, ran is a strong word for copd'ers) but in my head i did, to my pulmonologist. I said, he has to be wrong, isnt he? Crickets. I got crickets. When i burst into tears, he said no one has a crystal ball. But you did know your lungs were damaged. It was like taking a bullet. But back to the house.
    I have section 8. Their inspector came in June and asked me to come in the kitchen. He took a butter knife and flipped up a chunk of the bottom shelf under the sink. There was inches of black goo. Mold, black mold and mildew. The entire kitchen, living room and hallway had to be gutted. Leaks under the house, overflow of waste pipes, etc. Over years, again. 3 times i called maintenance over the 7yrs ive been here, for the waste pipe overflowing into the front yard and toilet, bathtub and sinks overflowing, but had no idea what i was living on. My drs lost their minds. They believe this was a worse contributor than the CO poisoning. The landlord was angry too. Angry he had to fix all this. He called one night after it was done. By done i mean he put new flooring over the damage. He said isnt it about time my family put me in a nursing home. I cant be M of much use anymore. He's tired of wasting time with me and now that hΔ£ ees put this new flooring in, he thinks he can get another $400-600mth rent. So he's gonna evict me. Now i have this fight i have very little energy for. Im starting in hospice tomorrow. I dont know where to even begin with my landlord. Any charity, entity, organization that offers help? Ive applied. Ive neve rd felt so lost, alone and terrified. I dont want to die homeless. Last year my car died an awful death and couldnt be revived or replaced. So i dont even have a car to live in. Give up? Hell no. This happened to me, i didnt do the wrong. I refuse to be a victim. My dr said im not one to sit in the corner boo-hooing waiting for the worst to happen. I know there's help somewhere. But to be able to vent is one of thee best medicines. Your friends are dumb enough to ghost y oi u cause they dont know what to say? Find new ones. I had a few. It hurt, but i have more to worry about. And if anyone here needs help on finding or applying for assistance? Im your girl. Ive become a somewhat of an expert. Yes, thats a self considered title. Lol. But I'd hate to hear of those who are sick being alone and afraid like me. In a world where meanness is encouraged we can eliminate that. We have eachother. Thank you, everyone, for allowing me to write my novel. I apologize for the length. Please. Reach out if you even just need tk talk. Ill always be here.

    1. thank you, sweetie. Its so nice to hear! πŸ€— right back at ya. Oh, I'm definitely trting to find a lawyer. If not for me, to take care of my son. And save any tenants he may treat like this in the future. No one should have to go thru this!

    2. , you're most welcome and thank you πŸ€— It looks like people do need to be protected from him! I hope you get some help! - Warmly, Donna (Team Member)

  2. My social life does not exist that is why this seems like a good outlet for me. Reading and researching take up a lot of my time. And I am looking to build my community.

    1. , we're glad you're here - Welcome! This is a good place to do all those things. Please let us know if we can help you find anything. - Warmly, Donna (Team Member)

    2. I have been there. I had to schedule in social time and force myself to complete it. It was hard but I did it in small steps. I’m glad you are here you will definitely be able to learn and grow here. ~Racquel~ team member

  3. My social life MS is mostly affected by my anxiety and fatigue. I often miss a lot of events with friends and family because I fear that I have to leave early.

    Some of friends and family have stopped including in their plans. It often then makes me feel depressed.

    Can anyone relate to this?

    1. I can definitely relate. I have felt and dealt with a lot of the same. I had to resolve in my own mind that I would t let anyone or anything to stop me from at least tho g to attend or finding that social aspect of life. If I went and had to leave early so be it. When friends stopped reaching out I replaced them with other friends that understood my condition. It’s so hard to deal with the fear and guilt and then the depression I found if I take it slowly and in small steps it was a lot easier to adjust and find new ways to get that social interaction. ~Racquel~ team member

  4. Epilepsy has kept me from driving for over 30 years. That's meant that I couldn't do things "spontaneously" or "on a whim". Everything had to be planned ahead of time when I had a driver available who was going in the direction I needed--and would be willing to wait for me to do whatever was necessary. It's caused friction with me and my wife because she is the primary bread winner, and her work schedule leaves her mentally and emotionally drained, which limits her availability to drive for me (bless her soul). We've been able to be patient about this this, and be as accomodating as possible and will be married for 20 years tomorrow.

    1. Happy Anniversary! What a 😍 Blessing! I can tell how much you both love and adore one another. Make sure you keep the lines of communication open and honest to keep the sneakiness of any resentment and bitterness out. It's important you both express your feelings fully in a loving way and focus on solutions. There are plenty of things you can do to help out at home to relieve her stress and not only that, you sound like a very caring man, if not already doing so, you're never too old for romantic, sweet, gestures. You can definitely be spontaneous at home. Celebrate the good times often. Take time to breathe. You both are a wonderful example of longevity, loyalty for good times and not so good times. Vows... I have a feeling this Marriage is wonderful but its going to get even better, like fine wine... Remember always, the love, joy and take care of each other. Revisit each other's Love language. Peace and Blessings to you both and Happy Anniversary! πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸΎ P.S. Please excuse me if I overstepped at all.

    2. HAPPY belated anniversary what a great accomplishment. I know it can be so hard to be able to find those who can assist us. It does take some time to find the help who is also patient and understanding. ~Racquel~ team member

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