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Introduce Yourself!

Welcome! We’re so glad to have you here! 😊

You’re joining a community with the most inspiring people you’ll ever meet!

Take a moment to introduce yourself!

Where are you from?
What do you advocate for?
What condition do you live with?

Is there anything else you want to share about yourself or your health journey?

  1. Hi Everyone. My name is Alan and I'm from Boise Idaho. I'm answering this because of my rheumatoid arthritis, chronic pain, atrial fibrillation, type 2 diabetes, and severe osteoarthritis diagnoses.

    1. Hi everyone! My name is Andrea but I go by Ann or Annie. I was diagnosed with Ms in 2009 after a few years of going to different doctors and them explaining to me how I needed to be on some type of antidepressant. Fast forward a few more years. POMS

      1. , welcome, Annie! We're glad you're here! That's incredibly frustrating! Did they give you any treatment for the MS? Hopefully, your current healthcare team is more in tune with your needs. - Warmly, Donna (Team Member)

    2. Hi! I’m Tiffany. I’ve lived with epilepsy for over 15 years. As an advocate, blogger, and content creator, I’m dedicated to raising awareness. Outside of advocacy, I’m happily married and share my home with two furry felines.

      1. , Welcome, we're glad you're here! My fur-babies, say welcome to yours! - Warmly, Donna (Team Member)

    3. Social Wellness Creator at Butterfly Chats Media. With a passion for empowerment and advocacy, Latoya specializes in guiding women with chronic illnesses and their care teams on a transformative journey of self-expression.

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