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Have you ever considered getting or do you have a service, working, therapy, or emotional support animal to help with your medical condition?

Share a picture of your furry-loved companion (does not have to be for your medical condition)! We'd love to see them!

If you have a service, working, therapy, or emotional support animal, what was your experience getting him/her?

Ask a question(s) to our members if you are thinking about exploring getting one.

Be sure to also check out Tatiana Corbitt's most recent article, U.S. Service Dog Law Basics -

  1. I’m not considering a service animal for me personally because of my uncontrolled asthma. I have allowed my daughter to have a cat to combat depression. I have allowed my other daughter to have a dog to have experience with responsibility before she reached the age of eighteen. I have dealt with another daughter sneaking turtles, cats and dogs in our home and different times. I have given my son a dog as a birthday present years ago. I have nothing against animals just normal rules where we reside the landlords don’t allow pets.

    1. My cat is not a registered service animal (I don't know how to do that without getting scammed) but she intuits when I am having a serious flare or getting seizure-y and climbs up me and weighs me down to make me lay on the floor until she deems it ok for me to get up. She's my little nurse.

      1. Hi , there are some legitimate agencies that offer certificates, but there is a lot of feedback that the certificates are a scam. I wanted to share this with you, that will hopefully be helpful: -Warmly, Donna (Team Member)

    2. Yes

      1. , do you have a service companion? - Warmly, Donna (team member)

    3. Yes! My Dyrty Byrd 14 years and counting Dyrty Byrd

      1. , oh gosh, sorry I "he'd" her! I read Mr. Dyrty Birdy, lol - it's Monday! I'm glad she walks the advocates walk with you. - Warmly, Donna (Team Member)

      2. wot a CUTIE!! Love the TUTU!

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