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Have you ever considered getting or do you have a service, working, therapy, or emotional support animal to help with your medical condition?

Share a picture of your furry-loved companion (does not have to be for your medical condition)! We'd love to see them!

If you have a service, working, therapy, or emotional support animal, what was your experience getting him/her?

Ask a question(s) to our members if you are thinking about exploring getting one.

Be sure to also check out Tatiana Corbitt's most recent article, U.S. Service Dog Law Basics -

  1. I'm hoping so. Need more space.

    1. This is Deja Blue, Service Dog (cardiac alerts, PTSD, non traditional mobility). I've been an international service dog advocate and owner trainer for well over a decade. I recently lost my SD Tao Blue after an 11year partnership on 5/24/24. My very first SD passed in 2012.

      Every one of them has literally saved my life at different points, from restarting breathing to a heart attack alert/response, etc.

      I can only ascribe to being the person my dogs think I am !

      Kyrie-Inn Blue
      Deja Blue Service Dog

      1. , what a beauty! And from the pose, and the long associations and loyal service, I would say chances are good to great that you are who they think you are ā¤ļø- Warmly, Donna (Team Member)

    2. Lady (right) has recently undergone eye surgery. She's currently stuck in a cone and very grumpy. I, however, am just thrilled she came through it and is healing well! She is old and has a heart murmur, so I didn't want her under GA, but I didn't have much choice.
      I can say with complete honesty, even after going through multiple surgeries myself, I'd rather it was me than her!

      1. , both of your companions are beautiful! Lady looks very calm, and the one on the left looks just a tad sassy! I completely understand the sentiment - they are like our babies and we don't want them to struggle with anything. I hope everything goes well with her recovery. - Warmly, Donna (Social Health Network Team Member)

    3. Love how my GodDog makes me feel - when he jumps up and breathes near me it is so soothing.My GodDog Winston.

      1. , he is ADORABLE! He looks like he has Zen vibes to spare! Thank you for sharing him with us. - Warmly, Donna (Social Health Network Team Member)

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