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Patient & Caregiver Advocate Bulletin Board

* Are you looking for other Patient Advocates to help with a project?
* Want to share information about an upcoming event?
* Working on an exciting project that you'd like to share or talk more about?

Maybe you want to profile other’s stories on your blog or podcast, or perhaps you are working on a local event that you’d love to get other Patient Advocates involved in or attend.

Feel free to post information about any events, activities, or projects you'd like to spread the word about or share!

And don’t forget, if you'd like to connect with other members - Per our Community Rules, while personal contact information cannot be shared (e.g., email address), please feel free to provide your social media handles or ensure they are added to your SHN profile.

*Please do not use this thread for any capital gain (examples: selling of services, recruitment for projects which you’ll receive compensation for) or solicitation (example: GoFundMe).

The Social Health Network has the right to remove postings that we deem violate our Community Rules.

  1. Awesome thanks everyone I am going to be in touch !

    1. I have a weekly podcast called Heal Yourself with Sarah Dawkins, sharing people who have naturally self healed symptoms and diagnoses, some of which doctors said couldn`t be healed. I also share health and wellness tips.

      Come and listen in for free.

      I am on many podcast sites, here are the two main ones.

      If anyone wants to share their natural healing journey to help others, please reach out to me.

      1. I am happy to speak to you on your Mind Matters Voices for Mental Health. I suffered from depression with suicidal thoughts and naturally healed myself.

        Here are my social handles

        Podcast: AND

        1. I have a lung cancer virtual event in August 10, 2024 Breaking Limits Fitness Challenge.
          It's free and from the comfort of your home with
          Fitness Challenge
          Live Food Recipe Mocktail
          and Giveaways 😀
          Follow for Updates-
          IG at Maesteam

          Please read our rules before posting.