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Have you started or completed our free Patient Leader Certification Program?

Have you taken or started our Patient Leader Certification program? If so, share with us...

What did you enjoy most about the program?

Would you encourage others to complete the certification?

Anything else you'd like to share about it?

Click here to access this free certification: (*You must be logged in.)

To learn more about it, click here -

  1. I am having problems trying to access the trainings

    1. it looks like you left off on Lesson 2 which you can access here -

      I see you just emailed, so will follow up with you directly there & we will figure this out! 😀

    2. I just completed the training, how do I access the other trainings

  2. NO trying to figure out how, now

    1. Hi - My sincere apologies that your reply here was not responded to! Are you all set with navigating the certification? Please let me know if I can help in any way!

  3. I completed the Certification and it really helped me get my footing and learn more about what this role can do help others- WHILE... I help myself. When you start something new- you may actually exhaust yourself trying to get started.. The beauty is.. just dive in!

    1. , Congratulations! Can't wait to see where you take it! - Warmly, Donna (Social Health Network Team Member)

  4. I am nearly finished! So excited to finally have an official certification for all our work as patient leaders.

    1. That is incredible! I agreee... Being able to showcase this and have this certification to gain the credibility you deserve is amazing! Sure hope you feel proud for all the hard work!

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