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Have you started or completed our free Patient Leader Certification Program?

Have you taken or started our Patient Leader Certification program? If so, share with us...

What did you enjoy most about the program?

Would you encourage others to complete the certification?

Anything else you'd like to share about it?

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  1. yes

    1. I finished it November 12th. Excited to get my certificate. I liked the social media information. My TikTok received 47,000 views!!

      1. Thank You

      2. Thank You

    2. Finished it today! I found the sections on branding, industry collaborations, and burnout really helpful. My only regret is I didn’t take it sooner! I hit my social account HARD in the beginning and have experienced burnout a few times since. This course helped me realize I wasn’t ”neglecting” my connections or the cause of I needed to take a step back, I was neglecting myself if I didn’t.

      Thank you for putting this course together! We are bombarded by so much information online, the course really helped me re-center around my “why?”

      1. , thank you for the wonderful feedback! I'm so glad the course helped you prioritize the elements of your advocacy! You're always the cornerstone! - Warmly, Donna (Team Member)

    3. yes

      1. Congratulations, !! Di you learn anything new from the course? - Warmly, Donna (Team Member)

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