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Is Advocacy Your Side Gig or Career?

I have found such a great way to make a little change from speaking and writing about my health condition. At first, I felt bad making money off of my story, but I realized my story is worth being told, and I am worth being paid to tell it.

If you are making money from your advocacy, How many of you felt weird at first but now are ready, willing, and able to make money for your advocacy?

  1. Currently a side gig. Would like to make it a career through my writing.

    1. It's being to turn into a way of life for me. Definitely a passion of mine and I'm noticing gaps in care all around us.

      1. that’s awesome. I love that you see the gaps and want to fill them. ~Racquel ~ Social Health network team

    2. Hello , can you explain more of how you're making money by writing and sharing your story?

      1. Thank you! Can you name any of those online sites. I have a pretty rare story. January 2017, I was diagnosed with Stage III Cervical Cancer and a few months later, in May 2017, I was diagnosed with Stage IV Triple Negative Breast Cancer. I was 37 years old, with no family history of cancer. They call me the double decker patient.

      2. I honestly would start at the Patient leadership Certification you can find it
        This will give you exactly what is needed to start to brand yourself and tell your story. Also create your profile here on social health network and look through the site to find engagements. I hope that helps some . ~Racquel~ Social Health Ntwork Team member

    3. I now feel validated after reading everyone's comments. I started my earring business in the name of my condition. I also wrote a book regarding my condition and I am getting ready to promote locally. My earrings is to help me pay for my services as I am still an advocate. I am combining the two. I went to a conference about a week ago and I saw there were others like me doing the same thing. I recently retired and felt the need to continue to do something meaningful and this just fell in my lap.

      1. so awesome. I’m so glad you stepped out in faith to start something that makes people feel good and help yourself. Repurposing the purpose. ~Racquel~ Social Network Moderator

      2. Thank you!

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